✨Creativity & Imagination ✨
It’s one’s creativity and imagination that is needed to create a handmade product. It can take us hours, days, weeks, months and even years of trials and errors until we are happy with our creations, and this alone cannot have a price tag.
✨One Set of Hands✨
We, the makers, are involved in each and every phase of the making process from start to finish.
From brainstorming the design, selecting materials, assembling the product, ensuring that every piece is at high quality, not to mention re-starting when things don’t go according to plan.
We also have to think about marketing our products (taking photos, creating/updating our website, keeping up to date with social media etc) designing the packaging, as well as processing orders and getting our products to our customers and even the accounting aspect of running a small business.
This is often done around our already busy day to day lives
We only source and select high quality materials and only purchase a small quantity and not in bulk. Not every small business has the financial capacity to purchase materials in bulk let alone have large storage spaces
✨It takes time✨
If you think about how machines work, making products faster and cheaper and are mass produced. Well, handmade, is the total opposite. We make each piece with attention to detail, care, love and soul.
Corporate giants makes hundreds of pieces in the same amount of time we finish ONE piece.
Lastly, as you know, there will never be two identical handmade pieces. Shapes, sizes and patterns will vary from one piece to another, making each unique.
A handmade product is ‘more expensive’ because you're buying a unique item, made by a person who is passionate about their craft, who has poured so much time, effort, thought, care, heart and love into every piece 💕